Tara Rae
Tara Rae Landscape Designs
Born and raised in Wisconsin, Tara Rae currently garden-farms on the Front Range of Colorado. She began studying Permaculture in 2003, receiving her first certificate in 2010 and a Permaculture Teachers Certificate in 2012. Since, she has received numerous Advanced Permaculture Design Certificates (2013-2017) and has studied under Sandy Cruz, Becky Elder, Peter Bane, Adam Brock, Jason Gerhardt, Eric Toensmeier, Brad Lancaster, Mark Shepard, and Tim Barker. She teaches at her home as well as around the State of Colorado for various Permaculture and urban farming classes, schools, and festivals. She has managed several greenhouses, USDA-organic, organic, and Permaculture farms with experience in 3 climate zones – cool and wet; cool and dry; and warm and wet.

Over the last 20 years, Tara Rae has worked in varying fields of biology, agronomy, and environmental science including laboratories, nature centers, farms, and jungles. She holds both Bachelors and Masters degrees in Ecology, is a Certified Ecologist, and works as an environmental scientist in the consulting world as well as taking on a couple of permaculture design clients every year. Her passion for sustainable living has led her to volunteer for the Sustain Arvada Advisory Board to City Council, making recommendations for sustainable community development and vitality. Besides permaculture, her interests include herbalism, sewing, traveling, camping, photography, and music.