
Tales from the Underground: types of root vegetables to grow

Approaching menopause as a childfree woman
By Gudrun Cartwright As a woman in my late forties,…

War, what is it good for?

The Best Advice
By Julia Pereira Dias Aren’t we the selfless ones? “My…

Strength and Resistance à la Woman
Learning a new way of living from an elder Iranian farmer…

Permaculture Ethics in Public Education

Gardening Diversity in Our Lives and Our Communities

Celtic Wisdom and Regenerative Culture — After Corona Virus

Mapping and landing in a living world: how a Permaculture Design Course helped me organize my life

In-Situ Composting in Your Garden

How to Free Yourself from Expectations
By Julia Pereira Dias Nothing causes as much frustration as…

Creativity and Parenting

Doulas and Permaculture

Finding Permaculture in Iran

The Most Vulnerable even More Vulnerable Now
COVID-19, time to embrace complexity By Luiza Oliveira As expected,…

12 Plants to Grow When Gardening with Children
By Heather Jo Flores By no means an exhaustive selection…

Ten Medicinal Flowers that I always plant in every garden
By Heather Jo Flores I am primarily a food gardener,…

What is the Price for Belonging?
By Julia Pereira Dias A lot of our expectations are…

Love in the time of Corona
By Priya Logan One of the most impactful books I…

Green Tara, The Ecofeminist Goddess, Shows Us How To Embody Regenerative Culture
By Dido Dunlop Green Tara is a role model, to…

Having kids in a climate crisis: can you do it? I’m too scared
By Gudrun Cartwright As always, I was fascinated by what…

Growing Food and Medicine: The Good, The Bad and The Heartbreak

Ecotopia? Other worlds are possible but only through struggle
By Becky Ellis The 2020s are going to be about…

Everyone is Fake!
By Julia Pereira Dias Few terms get the heat up…

Planting Trees to Feed Future Generations

Why do we need to hear more from women in permaculture?

Eco activism – why I got myself arrested
By Klaudia van Gool Last month I joined the Extinction…

Writing to get my mojo back
By Gudrun Cartwright Today I need to write. For the…

Have We Reached the End of Positive Thinking?
By Julia Pereira Dias So, I hear that positive thinking…

Why I love teaching permaculture

Calling Generation X: is it up to us to save the planet?
By Gudrun Cartwright Will Generation X please stand up? It…

What does it mean to be an adult in the 21st Century?
By Gudrun Cartwright What does the term ‘grown up’ bring…

Thou Shalt Not Unhamster
By Julia Pereira Dias Not everyone is frustrated about not…

Book Review: City of Refuge by Starhawk