Kim Deans
Coach, educator & facilitator
Kim has over 30 years experience in agriculture as a regenerative farmer and in agricultural extension & consulting roles in Australia. Kim completed a PDC in 2008 and later attended Permaculture Teacher Training with Rowe Morrow and Lis Bastian from Blue Mountains Permaculture. Kim has completed a Bachelor of Rural Science (Hons) and a Master of Agriculture degrees from the University of New England.
An aha moment around declining soil health on her family farm early in her career in agriculture led Kim to a process of unlearning, questioning and to her departure from conventional farming practices. Kim and her husband Angus purchased a degraded property in northern NSW which was once mined for tin in 2004 and they have been restoring this property using permaculture design, biodynamic practices and regenerative agricultural methods including the managed grazing of livestock.

After many years spent regenerating soil health and developing a large orchard and vegetable gardens their property was extensively damaged by a bushfire in February 2019. To add to the challenges, this fire occurred during a period of record breaking drought and it was to be 11 months before rains came to help the fire recovery process in the landscape commence.
Kim embraces lifelong learning and has had lots of opportunities to build experiential resilience and wisdom through life experiences gained from farming and working with farmers and rural communities. Kim’s expertise in ecological agriculture, whole farm planning, systems thinking and business management has evolved through training and personal experiences in regenerative agriculture, holistic management, permaculture, farm business management and self- development. Kim loves working with land stewards on all scales to transform their lives, businesses and landscapes.
The process of growing soil and restoring ecological function has been a rewarding one that continues to grow and evolve, with Kim now working in regenerative agriculture as a coach and educator with Integrity Soils. Kim also provides group facilitation and training programs with The Rural Woman online community. Kim’s passions include subtle energy practices and a love of nature photography. Observing nature and learning to work with natural principles rather than against them is the foundation of her life’s work
Recent Articles
- NASAA organic conference presentation 2019: TransFARMation: keys to transforming the way you farm
Blogs written for Integrity Soils:
- 6 keys to successfully using biological stimulants
- Regenerate for the next generation
- 8 reasons to monitor your soil health
- After the fire: Recovering, redesigning and rebuilding
- When life gives you wood chips
- The Profit Conversation