Meghan Claxton

Willatook, Victoria, Australia

I originally come to this course thinking I could create a design for my farm, boy I was wrong. Yes I created a design but so much more. It has changed my life. This course has made me think about everything, my impact on the planet, my personal boundaries, my limitations, my goals.

I love the way this course has been put together. The GOBRADIME system helps you to work through the whole process and evaluate every step. The course content has been put together brilliantly by female teachers from all around the world, who you can tell love the information they are sharing. I have learnt so much, not just about gardening but going deeper, learning about the ethics and principles, zones, sectors, soils, water systems, economies of scale, animals and the list goes on.

This course has helped me create a Whole Systems Design and I’m looking forward to putting it all into place and sharing my progress.

PDC Presentation Video

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