”After years of searching, I am truly thrilled to have finally chosen the women’s online permaculture course. It is allowing me to pursue my dream of building a sustainable homestead, while slowly integrating the classes and concepts into my busy schedule. The teachers are kind, funny, and knowledgeable, and I feel deeply supported by the entire community.”
Jessica, Architect, California
“My favorite thing about this course is the wide variety of online resources that it contains. Seeing so many different examples of places and people implementing permaculture ideals and techniques is also very encouraging. It feels like a very appropriate place to start exploring what works for me as a beginner permaculturalist with few resources and no property of my own.”
Monica, Landscape Designer, Missouri
”With this course I felt supported in finding my own voice in the way that I see and apply permaculture in every aspect of my life. This course unleashed many amazing processes within me, connecting the nature around and within me, and back to my professional practice as well.”
Luiza, Medical Doctor, Switzerland
“Women-centered permaculture is an environmental Take Back the Night. It’s challenged me to think about land ownership as an unnatural state with responsibilities that go far beyond the garden. It’s shown me the symbiosis of land and social justice and given me the courage to be a steward of nature.”
Christina, Chocolatier, New York
“The Permaculture Women’s Guild Design Course has provided a great opportunity to learn and grow at my own pace. The vast wisdom and knowledge that has been compiled and shared by these masterful women continues to draw me through the course, supporting not only my design, but my day to day life.”
Jamie, Teacher, Montana
“Permaculture is not just something to design your garden in an sustainable way- it’s a design tool for everything. The PWG Online Permaculture Course is taught by exceptional women from all over the world, who are sharing their knowledge. I would recommend this course to everyone who is willing to dive deep into the principles of permaculture and wants to learn how to implement in life and design projects.”
Hannah, Designer, Austria
“This course is not only giving me a very profound understanding of all the facets of permaculture but I am also learning how to integrate this mind set into my daily life, my relationships, and more. I can feel that something great has begun!”
Miriam, Corporate Manager, Budapest
”This course is like a loom helping me weave together idea threads in my head into a personal mission for change. I love that the course has something for everyone, from novice to practitioner. It’s permaculture meets social justice meets woman power. So edifying to learn from these women.”