Alicia Beatriz Vedio

Meersbrook, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England

This course was what I really needed, I had in front of me a blank canvas on retiring and so many ways I wanted to go, but also was confused and uncertain where I wanted to focus my energy. I am grateful to my mentor Aline for guiding me to find what this project was really about. It changed me and my way of approaching projects in a way I did not expect. You will see in my presentation it is all about connections and integrating what seems separated by applying principles to place and self. I am also very grateful that Heather Jo is rethinking the structure of this course and everything she offers, and that acknowledging indigenous wisdom is a priority. I highly recommend any of the courses in this site.

PDC presentation 28.02.2022

Y en Español:

Presentación para el Certificado de diseño en permacultura.
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